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creative elegance

est. 2012


About Us


meet cam & josie (aka “cosie”)

Hi everybody, it’s Cam! When I was in high school, I used to sell candy bars with my best friend to other students on campus. After a few months of hustling, we both spontaneously bought new cameras with our hard earned cash and, from that moment on, I felt the need to make the most out of my expensive splurge.

I started getting attached to my camera (perhaps my parents named me because they foresaw my future passions…) and would take it everywhere like it was my teddy bear. Eventually, Josie (my girlfriend at the time), a few friends and I would hang out after school purely with the purpose of practicing photography together.

As college approached, I decided to go all in and studied Television and Film Production at San Diego State University. Throughout college, I was asked to film & photograph a few weddings and from then on, the requests kept coming in. A new San Diegan wedding photographer was born.

Since graduating college in 2016, I started a missions-media nonprofit, married Josie, and together, have filmed & photographed over 90 weddings, engagements, graduations, and family photoshoots. In our free time, we love to host game nights with friends, try new boba shops around the world, and cook up a storm in our kitchen (okay, Josie is a way better chef). If you want to feel super cozy during your wedding, engagement or other life event, then cosie co. is the perfect match for you. Read what people had to say about us here.


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